Unicoi County Schools will offer a series of fun and engaging summer learning camps to ensure that students have the opportunity to enhance and continue their learning, particularly in math and reading. In addition to rich academic content, camps will provide students physical education, tutoring, and intervention.
Dates: May 31st through June 24th
Hours: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Monday through Friday
Transportation: Bus routes in place for both drop off and pick up daily
Meals Provided at No Cost: Breakfast and Lunch
Available Camp Opportunities:
Summer Learning Camp: Students entering grades 1-8
Instruction provided by Unicoi County teachers
Priority given to reading and math instruction
One hour of physical activity
Tutoring and Intervention
Location(s) to be determined based on enrollment
9th Grade Jump Start: Students entering grade 9 (Only students who have been promoted to 9th grade)
Instruction provided by Unicoi County teachers
Priority given to English I and Algebra I instruction
Career exploration block with opportunity to earn 1 high school credit
Orientation to high school building and academics
Optional STEM and ACT camps