We believe that the Teacher Leader program fosters collaborative cultures of learning for educators, magnifies teacher voice, and supports the implementation of high-quality learning experiences for students. Teacher Leaders serve as a valuable extension of our school and district leadership structures.
We would like to announce the 2021-22 Teacher Leaders and thank them for their
willingness to serve:
April Hawkins, PreK
Lyndsey Brackins, Kindergarten ELA & MATH
Kelly Pate, First Grade ELA & MATH
Jordan Vance, Second Grade ELA & MATH
Julie Keplinger, Third Grade ELA
Leslie Franks, Third Grade MATH
Sara Sparks, Fourth Grade ELA
Ashley Berry, Fourth Grade MATH
Besty Barton, Fifth Grade ELA
Eleana Pate, Fifth Grade MATH
Lisa Miller, Middle School ELA
Cane Cannon, Middle School MATH
Stephanie Howard, Middle School Social Studies
Katherine Bagby, Middle School Science
Kelly Boling, ACT--Math Focus
Stacia Silvers, ACT--Science Focus
Elizabeth Watson, ACT--ELA Focus
Joshua Crawford, ACT--Reading Focus (Social Studies)
Special thanks to the following teachers who are rolling off of the Teacher Leader program. Their contributions have been instrumental and we are grateful for their service:
Regina Cornett, Kindergarten ELA
Patience Erwin, First Grade ELA
Amy Engle, Third Grade ELA
Kelly Tackett, Fifth Grade ELA
Kerri King, Middle School ELA
Paula Edwards, ACT--Science Focus
Lori Ann Wright, ACT--Reading Focus (Social Studies)