Unicoi County Schools, along with Special Education Supervisor, Debbie Lamie, announce Child Find efforts to identify children in our county ages 3 to 21 with disabilities or who may be intellectually gifted.
Disabilities may include:
Speech or Language Impaired
Deaf or Hearing Impaired
Blind or Visually Limited
Orthopedic Impairment or Other Health Impairments
Specifically Learning Disabled
Emotional Disturbance
Intellectually Disabled
Developmentally Delayed
We strive to locate, identify, and evaluate children with suspected disabilities or who may be intellectually gifted living in Unicoi County including those students that are homeless, migrant, or attending a home school or private school in our system. Anyone knowing of a child suspected of being disabled or intellectually gifted should contact the office of Special Education at (423) 743- 1611. Information will be used in planning and providing free and appropriate public education programs for students with special needs.
An informational meeting will be held by virtual meeting on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. You can join the meeting by using the following link:
Meeting ID: 755 9191 6859 Passcode: G7QLmx
OR you may call in to the meeting using the following number:
(US) +1 515-518-4049 (PIN: 465211441)
If you have questions, you may call LaRendi Armstrong at 423-735-0725 or Debbie Lamie at 423-743-1614.