Unicoi County Schools will offer returning student online enrollment for grades 1-12 for the 2019-2020 school year from July 1-31, 2019.
**Parents, please take advantage of this time-saving opportunity to enroll your child online and alleviate the task of completing a hard copy by hand on the first day of school.**
A Family Access Account in Skyward is needed to participate in the online enrollment process.
If you enrolled your child electronically last year, you already have a Parent Access Account. If you do not remember your login information, just go to Skyward and click on “Forgot your Login/Password?”
If you need a Parent Access Account (student accounts do not allow you to enroll), please contact the applicable number listed below for assistance and be ready to provide a valid email address:
o Grades 1-8 – UC Board of Education at 423-743-1600 o Grades 9-12 – UC High School at 423-743-1632
To access Skyward please CLICK HERE.